Rainfall Totals

Below you will find a chart containing all of the rainfall totals over the last several years at Bass Lake.

Yearly Average: 43.86 (2003-2024)
Month/Year with least precipitation: Nov 2012 - 0.39 inches
Month/Year with most precipitation: Aug 2016 - 11.82 inches
Year with least precipitation: 2012 - 25.78 inches (avg 2.15 per month)
Year with most precipitation: 2007 - 47.75 inches (avg 3.98 per month)

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total Min Max Mo Avg
2003 1.09 1.33 1.53 2.71 6.69 1.71 9.05 1.03 4.17 3.26 4.76 2.96 40.29 1.03 9.05 3.36
2004 1.33 0.93 3.17 0.65 7.03 3.28 5.16 8.12 1.71 1.22 4.43 2.55 39.58 0.65 8.12 3.30
2005 6.83 2.61 1.93 0.83 0.91 1.79 5.18 4.04 4.51 0.89 2.36 0.79 32.67 0.79 6.83 2.72
2006 1.77 0.62 4.16 2.24 4.14 2.83 5.87 8.76 1.51 3.41 3.51 4.48 43.30 0.62 8.76 3.61
2007 3.52 1.31 2.05 4.55 1.55 4.28 7.62 10.23 1.02 4.47 2.11 5.04 47.75 1.02 10.23 3.98
2008 3.42 5.56 1.02 2.71 4.39 2.98 1.81 3.67 7.26 3.08 0.82 3.14 39.86 0.82 7.26 3.07
2009 1.04 2.80 5.30 3.93 2.35 3.38 2.60 2.44 0.70 6.02 1.72 2.05 34.33 0.70 6.02 2.86
2010 1.21 1.31 2.30 3.47 5.71 4.23 6.10 1.54 2.90 1.26 2.91 1.72 34.66 1.21 6.10 2.89
2011 0.93 2.03 2.78 6.62 5.35 3.28 4.56 1.13 3.83 3.02 3.55 2.71 39.79 0.93 6.62 3.32
2012 2.66 1.78 1.37 1.28 1.49 1.80 1.86 4.33 1.76 4.55 0.39 2.51 25.78 0.39 4.55 2.15
2013 4.04 1.66 1.42 5.31 3.32 5.73 2.53 2.79 3.90 3.39 1.79 2.57 38.45 1.42 5.73 3.20
2014 2.71 3.05 1.31 2.11 3.07 6.25 1.61 7.71 4.66 4.60 2.27 1.76 41.11 1.31 7.71 3.43
2015 1.94 1.77 0.82 2.11 5.41 9.24 6.02 2.76 2.07 1.65 1.93 4.68 40.40 0.82 9.24 3.37
2016 1.02 1.39 3.51  3.57  2.88 2.88 2.91  11.82 3.89 2.56 3.49  1.65 41.57 1.02 11.82 3.46
2017 2.44 1.59  3.92  4.35   3.97 2.40  6.21  2.21  1.68  5.09  3.18    .97 38.01   .97 6.21 3.17
2018 1.31 7.16   1.21 2.32  4.53   3.23 1.93  5.25   2.28 5.56  3.62 3.14 41.54 1.21 7.16 3.46
2019 2.51 2.07 2.93 6.16 5.39 3.90 4.52 3.01 5.68 3.56 1.14 2.48 43.35 1.14 6.16 3.61
2020 3.90 2.12 2.48 3.45 2.98 2.35 3.23 1.99 1.03 2.69 1.81 1.71 29.74 1.03 3.90 2.48
2021 2.78 1.38 2.57 2.50 4.84 8.31 2.55 4.54 2.64 7.54 1.06 2.90 43.61 1.06 8.31 3.63
2022 0.91 2.89 3.27 2.61 2.60 2.12 6.50 3.16 2.01 2.87 1.38 1.72 32.04 0.91 6.50 2.67
2023 2.48 4.18 4.37 1.10 3.01 2.65 6.32 4.06 1.14 4.90 .55 3.59 38.35 .55 6.32 3.20
2024 4.14 1.19 2.94 7.71 4.84 2.81 8.21 3.25 1.41 1.06 2.92 3.38 43.86 1.06 8.21 3.66